About gDonna
The photo is my son and myself. Now days you can get a photo made to look old like this one. This photo was taken when this was the new look.

Harry S Truman was president when I was born and world war II had ended. I grew up in a time when lunch was put in a brown paper bag and a sandwich was wrapped with wax paper. There was no such thing as pantyhose, we wore stockings that attached to the rubbery clippy things that attached to the girdle. Convenience stores were not common and when we took a trip we packed a picnic basket because many places did not have fast food. Highways had places to pull over and stop, some with picnic tables. Read more ....

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Around about Tomorrow and Elizabeth's diary

April 12, 2019

I reckon around about tomorrow the old cast iron pipe might be fixed.

There has been an unseen problem under these drains. Seem like the old drain pipe rusted out and the sink water has been going under the house.

So while the water is being removed and dried and the pipe being fixed, knowing the old ways of doing things has come in handy.

I told Charles there would be no hurry as far as I was concerned because I knew the work would be hard to do. This was about the time last year the washing machine took medical leave and all these things that happen just give me more practice time for our history research projects.

Katherine says she is so lucky that this is where she came to live when she was a puppy, 10 years ago because there has never been a dull moment.

The issue was discovered on a day that the night before I was too tired to do supper dishes and mix yesterdays and today's dishes, if it had not been discovered all that water would have gone under the house. The problem was bad enough as it was.

The dirty dish water was carried by pail to flush down the toilet and the rinse water was tossed outside to water the flowers. 

I will continue the excerpts from Catherine's diary.  I feel there is so much to learn from this diary because it gives us such a detailed look of daily life in the 1930s.

March 1934

Stayed at Estella's all nite. Home with Cecil late a.m. he and Herbert here for dinner. Split and threw in basement lots of wood, county brought in five big truck loads, Alfred and Harold moved wood out of cob bin this morn.

Am working with beef Cecil brought in ,did sweeping in basement this a.m. Looks like a dust storm this P.M. Have a wonderful lot of wood. Basement full and more outside.

Canned 8 1/2 pints of beef. Boiled bones and made 1 quart bowl of pressed meat for school lunches. Two Evangelist were here yesterday for a short call.

Mr. Haley came in and surprised me this morning. He seems to be gaining strength slowly. Weather fine, P.M. went to Waterloo with Herbert and Flora. Took lunch with us, ate in our car.

I finally arranged this corner off the kitchen area. I first switched the buffet and these two chairs but I soon realized that I did not like coming to this area for dinner napkins and place mats when it was so convenient next to the table. I like to try new positions of furniture until I feel it is where it needs to be.

I found some old radio shows on tape to go in our radio and Charles has been enjoying sitting in his Green chair and listening to the shows. I found another one the other day, Several episodes of Sherlock Holmes, those should be interesting.

Continued Excerpts from Elizabeth's diary

Went to basement to work in wood first thing this morning. Pilering stove wood. Town full of German Measles. I am staying home. Weather dry and partly cloudy today.

9 P.M. Mrs. Warner just gone home, she has been here only twice today. Rained and thundered last nite. Snowed and blustered today. I baked bread and cookies, Jennie here for dinner and most of P.M.

Cold clear and frosty, 10:30 Cecil, Estella and Maddie just left, Maddie been to Dr. Farnam with Ear trouble. Alfred sick in bed near pneumonia, James caring for him. 30 out of school with Measles and Measles walking in the streets.

Fine sunny day. Have been to P.O., bank and Printing office. Payed $2.00 for Clipper (newspaper), Paid March 17 to 1935. Mr. White will cut my old dead apple tree for the wood. Called there on way home.

Harold stayed home yesterday to saw wood. Has cold in head and not able to come today. Estella all better,, Alfred not out side but up. Mr White has old apple tree down and nearly all away, fine weather.

Beautiful morn made 2 aprons and cap yesterday. Harold back to school, coming today. cold in his head, went home with Cecil, Alfred and Harold. Got letter from sister Melad today also have been having measles I found out, Both back in school today

Back to our house, Being that it is just the middle of April, the garden is further along than I thought it would be.  The zucchini on the left has grown a lot in the last week. The Kale, new carrots and peppers are doing well too.

I took the quilt off the bed last week and got out the Spring/Summer Chenille spread. It feels good to have the change. I have had the windows open quite a bit lately.

This pecan tree in our back yard is always the last to leaf out and it has started so I know the warm weather is now official.

This pecan tree in our front yard started leafing out early.

Continued Excerpts from Elizabeth Diary

Haven't seen the sun today, making caps. Piled some stove wood, have furnace fire. Sending $9.20 check to Neola Bank for insurance on house. Beginning to snow, wind in East

Harold shoveled snow this morn, a 2 inches of light snow. Sun shining bright and warm. Been working on sugar sack quilt, also sewed linings for two other quilts today.

Froze quite hard late night. Frost over basement windows. Cecil, Alfred and Irvin were in. Brought pint of cream. Sophia is clerking in Kofs store this P.M. will take supper with me. 

Cold and Clear, Heard first Robin this morning but little snow left. I am still staying out of public gatherings, measles thick. Mrs Fred Lewis here yesterday P.M. Mr Stern read meter, my bill $1.76.

Cloudy and Chilly, went and voted for the present Mayor. Mailed letter to Evelyn, one to Luie and card to Caroline. Got one from Luie. 

Frost on basement windows, clear, too cold to clean house today, washed clothes froze stiff about noon. Flora and Harold in this P.M. Herbert and man has measles. Mrs Warner in this P.M.

Cold and cloudy, got ironing done, had about 1 dozen aprons. Cecil digging ditch for water pipes, Herbert has been having a time with Earache. Had Foreman out. 

Herbert rested better last night. Raining this morn and dried slow. Rain, some warmer. P.M, Mailed check $13.36 to Ole Rasmussen Co of Bluffs for Ford's wallpaper and paint. Not much rain.

Just rain enough to keep dreary, not very cold Poor Herbert having a time with gathering in his ear from measles. Had ear lanced yesterday. in bed with ice today. Cecil at vaccination school. Cream house taken out to Cecil's yesterday.

Am so worried about Herbert.(Elizabeth's son) He is not getting any better yet. I went up town this am, payed $49.00 for cream house and paid early 100 on his job. (Catherine owns land and three farms that she leases out) ( Not sure what the cream house is, her daughter Estella and son in law Cecil, often bring her cream from the farm.) Elizabeth lives in town and her grown children live outside of town on farms. Her daughter Caroline lives far enough away that she takes a train to visit and sometimes a family member with a car will take a road trip) 

Easter and a rainy morning. Making grass green, Flora called saying Herbert was no worse. He has to stay in bed with ice cap to back of ear. I have sore eyes.

Praise the Lord; Herbert is some better this morn, I have been heart sick with worry over him. Sophia is out of school with measles today. Are putting new foundation for supply tank at Cecil's. 

Warmer, quite a shower this morn. Even this has been a day of worry. Midnite. Dr. Ruling operated on Herbert. about 6 this evening such a tune of sorrow, Flora poor girl (daughter-in-law) staying feutally by all nite. 

Rejoycing tonite over good news from Hospital. Think Herbert doing even better than expected, Pain mostly gone. Estella (Elizabeth's daughter) been to see him again this P.M. with their boy. Poor Mr. Haley left for his Heavenly home.

Noon, Just waiting for car to go to see Herbert. Very foggy weather, Walter and Joseph having measles are with Margaret. Even Dr. Ruling thinks Herbert doing as well as can be expected.

Five p.m. Edith just called they have been up to see Herbert this P.M. says he is feeling much better, Poor Estella is sick, Cecil got medicine from Foreman as he came for school children. 

Beautiful day. Have worked outside most of time, went this a.m. and mailed letter to Herbert, dear boy. Got 69 currant sprouts and planted, from Mrs. Willis, she gave them to me last fall.

This been a wonderful day. Went to see Herbert with Cecil and Estella. Herbert getting better am so thankful. He has had lots of company besides relatives, also letters, one from Bank.

Quite strong southwest wind, mailed letter to Lewis, cards to Mellie and Caroline. Irvin and Jennie (Cecil and Estella's children). Flora came home last nite is going to bring Herbert home today and settle Hospital bill.

A little break from the diary just a bit.

Charles made a surprise secret garden around his potato, onion garden. He used some used broken bricks and some of the hurricane Michael limbs he saved for projects.

Charles being creative in the garden, he makes things whimsical because he knows that I enjoy a whimsical touch here and there and he has come to like it too.

It is amazing to both of us how much the birds and other wildlife enjoy the things we make. 

Charles replaced the broken gate going into our backyard. He found piece of art work at the thrift store. The owl's eyes were messed up and so he took marbles and used for the eyes. 

Back to Elizabeth's Diary

Mr. Haley's children left for home today. This has been a big day out doors. Sowed lettuce and spinach, raked leaves and had bon fire. Harold helping good got off storm doors and put away in garret.

Looks rainy but we don't get it. Windy and disagreeable out. Herbert coming every morn to have Dr Farnam dress his head and ear. old northwest wind but I got some screws in basement windows.

Estella breaking out with measles and not feeling sick yet. Her children all in school, Herbert coming slowly, Mr Early finishing up the water works. Dear Lora Franklin died this P.M.

Cold and Clear, Herbert had a natural nights sleep without dope for the first. Estella coming wonderfully well so far with measles. Setting sugar sack quilt together. Having first mess of dandalion greens. 

Herbert made first visit back to Dr Ruling says he is doing well as can be expected. Sophia began work in store at 10 a.m. Cecil in this evening looked over Early's Bill weather warmer. 

Alone all day. Weather cloudy and dreary, dry no front this day. Herbert and Flora and  2 younger boys took dinner with Estella. Harold over doing Porters chores. Roy got measles his hired man away today making lots of trouble. Those treacherous measles.

A beautiful day, Herbert in a moment. Has a painful boil coming in ear, Mrs Haley loading their truck, Peterson plowed potato patch, I went and mailed letter to Caroline and card to Mellie.

Mrs Haley and son left this p.m. for Texas with a big truck load. She came over to bid me an affectionate goodbye. Cecil had two teeth pulled today.

Just had much needed shower, caught me up town. I waited at the Bank, payed $2.85 insurance, two policies on this house. Herbert had tube removed from head today at Dr Ruling. Head pain then expected. 

Blustery and cloudy went to ceder falls took 14 lbs wool to woolen mills to be made up for comforters.

went with Herbert and Flora, Herbert brought me home as he came to have head dressed. Said he pay Foreman $5.00 today.

This is getting long so I will stop here and continue in next post. The measles continues to strike the family.

Grandma Donna


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