This page is dedicated to the visitors on my website asking about food budgets. Many people are struggling to buy food.

If you can pull it together to do this one thing it would help a lot and that is to buy groceries once a month. A dear friend taught me this. Back when my children were young my dear friend Sally would always have dinner on the table at 5:00 Sharp. If her children were over at my house they knew when it was time to go home. She always had something such as a casserole and a very decent meal. She only shopped once a month and I simply did not know how she did this because rarely did she ever go out and buy anything extra. They had a certain night for lasagna and a certain night for chicken. So I asked Sally how did she do this?. She knew what meals she was going to cook and what day she would serve these meals so she knew what ingredients she needed to buy for that once a month shopping. She even planned for church events and covered dishes. She planned for that extra dish to make to carry to a sick friend or a death in the family. She knew when she would make a birthday cake or even a wedding cake. Sally was just that organized even down to that bowl of pudding. She froze milk and butter and other foods. The family ate what she cooked and there was no special preparation for a finicky eater because back then the children did not boss the parents and this is the way it should be today.
Self Rising Flour (Optional but makes very good biscuits and cobblers)
Wheat Flour (to make delicious flat breads and bread)
Bread Flour (optional, I prefer to use bread four for my bread)
Baking Powder
Baking Soda
Sugar (Limited)
Sweet Potatoes
Greens in season
Root vegetables such as Turnip roots and Rutabagas
Bell pepper (they have become quite pricey but in the summer a better price) You can easily grow your own bell peppers in a simple garden pot or bucket with holes in the bottom.
I try and keep bananas and a few lemons and then we buy a few apples and oranges etc. It just depends on the season and fruit available and price.
I keep small 6 packs of applesauce in the pantry because the small ones help me to not waste. I use them for cooking.
Canned pineapple
Buttermilk (If you do not have buttermilk in the fridge then add 1 Tablespoon and ¼ teaspoon of lemon juice or white vinegar to one cup of milk, stir and set aside for a few minutes. It will be a good substitute for buttermilk.
We don’t use a lot of milk so I buy the shelf stable milk that comes in 8 ounce pouches. This has saved us a lot on wasting milk. We do use buttermilk for making biscuits and pancakes and we keep small buttermilk in the fridge.
Olive oil. The only oil we use because it saves us money even though it costs more. We use it for many things such as oil and vinegar dressing, breads, cooking, hummus and more. It is our all in one oil.
Pasta (Angel Hair, macaroni, lasagna)
Canned tomatoes
Canned green beans
Canned cream style corn ( I use in a delicious one pot dish)
Canned olives (I know you may think that olives are a splurge but it will help as you will see)
Cream of Wheat
Lima Beans
Meats of your choice and can afford. We slice our meat into small portions to stretch it further and keep these portions in the freezer.
The two meats we try and keep in the freezer is Chicken and ground beef so we can make easy meals.
Canned Salmon
Canned Tuna
I separate the hotdogs and the bologna and wrap them individually and keep them in the freezer so we can take out one at a time.
2 Tablespoons butter
Small amount buttermilk
Put the flour in a bowl and using your fingers rub the butter into the flour until crumbly.
Add enough buttermilk to make the dough look like cottage cheese. Then drop the dumplings into the broth.
It may be best to view my recipe page to see how this is done. Just click here
2 c. all purpose flour
1 1/4 tsp. baking powder
3/4 tsp. salt
1 tbsp. butter
3/4 c. buttermilk
A good side dish is cooked carrots or some greens.

6 medium size potatoes
One can of creamed style corn
½ onion chopped
A small amount of milk and butter. If you don’t have milk and butter you can still make this dish.