Grandma Donna's Sourdough Pancakes
September 12, 2012
Ummm some more good sourdough pancakes!
First let me explain what I mean when I say Fed Sourdough Starter then the recipe and pictures will follow.
I like to keep my starter out on the counter at room temperature but when it is hot weather I keep it in the refrigerator because it eats too much food and too often if it is too warm. Every week or so I take it out, let it get to room temperature and feed it. I normally will feed it twice and maybe three times before I put it back in the refrigerator just to keep it built up and not weak. When sourdough is fed it will rise and double it's size or more then deflate back down. Then it is time to feed it again. When I feed it, then I call it fed sourdough.
If I want to make pancakes then I will use some of it right then. When making the following recipe posted here I refer to one cup of fed sourdough starter. Let's say I have two cups of hungry starter, this is starter that has already deflated. I will feed it two and a half cups of flour and about a cup and half of water or so, it all depends if the starter is thin or thick. I keep mine on the thick side. So now we have about 4 and half to five cups of fed starter. That is a lot of starter to do something with. I can make pancakes, bread, biscuits or most anything.
Still with me on this? Ok so now I want to make a small batch of pancakes for my husband and myself. I will make a one cup batch. If I need to make a bigger batch I will double the recipe.
There seems to be some difficult recipes out there on the internet making sourdough pancakes. My starter is very active, if fed it and sat it overnight it would be hungry again in the morning. At least my starter would be hungry. I just feed mine and then take some out and add the ingredients that I need to make pancakes.
If you have a slow starter one that does not activly rise and fall with good strong bubbles then you need to work on your starter and get it good and strong so you can make bread and things without waiting hours and hours for your bread to rise. I make bread with my starter in average of 4 to five hours. I use nothing but starter, flour salt and water. My starter has never had fruit, yeast or anything. You can see my other postings on bread making etc.
Recipe for small batch this feeds my husband and myself
In a large bowl put
One heaping cup Fed Sourdough Starter
1 egg beaten with fork
1 Tablespoon oil
In a smaller bowl put
1 heaping tablespoon sugar
1/2 teaspoon salt
1 heaping 1/2 teaspoon baking soda
1/8 to 1/4 cup milk or buttermilk
Have some room temperature butter ready to spread on the hot pancakes
Sorry but this picture was a two cup batch.
First mix the fed starter, beaten egg and oil in a large size bowl this pictured here is a medium size bowl, I will explain this in a sec.
Mix the sugar, salt, baking soda and milk into a small bowl and stir together. It will start lifting up a bit so then quickly put it into the larger bowl that has the sourdough oil and egg mixture.
Mix the batter with your whisk or fork but do not put it into a small bowl or it will overflow as it rises up. I put it into this bowl to show you to be careful with the size of your bowl. The baking soda is going to make this puff or bubble up and grow.
I add mine to a measuring cup after the bubbling has settled. The bubbling will settle in a few minutes. When it is in the measuring cup I can pour the batter easier onto the griddle.
Grease you a griddle or skillet and heat. Watch your temperature close so you do not burn the pancakes. You just have to learn your own stove. I have to cook mine way down as I have a hot stove.
I want to show you something in this picture. When you pour the batter don't pour it to where it runs to the side of the griddle or it will be hard to flip. I did this to show you what not to do. Make smaller pancakes so you can flip them without a mess.
I made these smaller so I could flip them easier.
Now enjoy your pancakes. We ate them so fast I almost did not get a picture. I eat mine with butter and no syrup and my husband eats his with syrup.
I hope you get a chance to make some of these pancakes, they sure are good.
See Grandma's tips below
When I need to cook up pancakes for several people I make them up and stack them in a large bowl. I butter them as I go then throw a towel over the bowl each time I add pancakes to the bowl to keep them warm. This way everyone can sit down at the same time and eat. You can place the bowl in a warm oven if you like if the bowl is heatproof. I just keep mine close to the stove with a towel.
The other tip is I make up extra pancakes and put them over a cake cooling rack without butter on them and let them cool. After they have cooled I put them in a container and put them in the refrigerator for the next day or two.
You can reheat them in the oven or in the skillet and then add the butter if you like butter.
I also make them up and freeze them for a short time but they don't stay around for long.
Hope you enjoy these pancakes.
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