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Merry Christmas! I'm looking forward to seeing everyone's backstories too. I'm working on mine.
Thank you Stephanie G and Merry Christmas to you! It will not be long and we will be arriving in the 1930's. :)
I shared previously that this isn't something Hubby is up for, but I will be following along and doing what I will call an "altered" version. In researching, there are discrepancies which makes it challenging. It is pretty easy to find prices of specific things, but I have looked for percentages of income. I can apply those percentages to our income and expenses. An example: one site said housing was 22% of the income and another said it was 30%. I still have more work to do as far as making sure all our personal numbers work.
I will share a site if it's okay: the search was "Family budgets and the Great Depression." (In case you don't want to click on the link - which I understand.)
the link:
It should show as St. Louis Fed. There is a chart on pg. 8 that I found very helpful (showing percentages).
I am hoping for greater than 5% savings - will let you know how successful or not I am :-)
A couple things I have done:
Moved my computer to the office from the living room next to my chair. That is healthier on many levels, not just correct for the study.
We use night lights (7 wt.) but when we are getting Hubby ready, he likes the overhead lights (60 wt.). I put a string of 20 little led lights over the sink (13 wt.) & he was okay with those. They are not correct to the 30's but are much more efficient than the over head lights so I feel like it is a cost effective compromise.
Also, think I said but can't remember - we are renting so several things I would change in a heartbeat but can't because of situation. I will try to improvise as Gdonna and others have stated.
I do not have a dishwasher, microwave, or stove fan. We do have the washer and dryer though I seldom use the dryer (except I've been cheating a little during the holiday). I prefer to hang them dry but will still use the washer as I work full time out of the home (in real life).
I will fill in the blanks as I do more of my homework. I also have year end things to do for both home and our business so it might take a few weeks for me to get into the groove.
Hope it's okay that I do this even though it's not spot on to the study.
Hi Lady L, any level of the study is good, just reading along is learning, doing parts of the study, doing as much as possible or doing a tight budget. We are all here to learn what they did and how they did it. Charles and I cannot live it completely either because we do not have the same things that they had.
Just to know that the average rent in the U.S. in 1931 was $18.00 . Now that does not sound like much but it is quite a bit. I started a record book and started handwriting many of the research facts in my book so I can reference quickly.
Lady L, I'm only using my computer at my desk for the study too! I think you are so right about it being healthier to have a dedicated spot, and not one right next to us! We've also gotten into the habit of only eating at the table. We used to eat too often in front of the TV or a screen. We disconnected and put away our antenna and cancelled our streaming services. I've found that it's nice eating at the table with its colorful tablecloth. I expect that this study will be beneficial to me in so many ways. You'll have to give me your laundry drying tips. I'll need all the help I can get. I have to start that next week. :)
I will be talking about laundry this week Lady L. Laundry is going to be a real challenge but anyone that reads the blog will look at how they do their laundry differently with this study. :)
We don't even own a TV & don't do movies etc. This is something we've lived so long without, I kinda forget how much folks watch it. Also, Grandma Donna has a ton on laundry here (and you probably see, will be doing more :-) Actually, I think that might be how I found this blog - a search re. laundry.
I have been watching movies on HBO and am shocked at the language and violence. It is really depressing. I try to just find shows that are uplifting and inspiring.
I have switched to wood heat this year at the cabin. It is a lot of work, but I love the comfort and warmth of the fireplace insert. The exercise out in the mountain air is healthy, too.
Sometimes I do small loads of hand laundry and hang them to dry in the sauna. In the winter, most of the wool sweaters that I wear don't need to be washed, just aired out. I can wear my hand knit wool socks a few times before laundering them, since they don't smell.
Thank you for starting this forum, Grandma Donna.
Thank you for signing up Awakenedsoul, so happy you are here. Thank you for your comment, it sounds like you are making changes and that is nice that you have wood heat now. :)
Lady L Thanks for the link about the percentages! Unfortunately I didn't see any percentages for utilities - phone, electric, gas, water, garbage etc. If anyone knows more about this I'd like to know.
i am joining late (or just in time). I had thought I had plenty of time to plan and research and write my backstory, but life had other plans in the form of a family emergency that is far from settled, but I hope this project will be a welcome distraction.
I have been a reader for a couple of years and was excited to hear there was a forum and possibly multiple people doing this at once. I live alone so I have a lot of freedom to run my house as I see fit, but I have a stressful job and am a caregiver for my two disabled parents who live a short bit away so my time is limited and I’m sure I’ll have to have plenty of shortcuts.
I don’t currently have a working dishwasher or washing machine/dryer. I do a lot of line drying to save money at the laundromat and I do occasionally hand wash some clothes just for convenience. I’m hoping to transition to hand washing everything that’s possible and line drying everything.
I will of course unplug my tv except for a movie once a week. Being alone this will be my biggest challenge. I like to sit and knit while I watch shows in the evenings. I’m thinking of switching to audiobooks set in the 20’s and 30’s and pretending it’s a radio show. But initially I’m going to try to experience the silence.
Editing to add: I’m thinking a lot about electricity usage and would love to learn how to track my kilowatts I have collected all my candles but I haven’t decided how much electricity I will use
I hope to be inspired by everyone’s journey as I have been inspired by Donna’s many years on this path. I did order books about life during this time as well as some books just set in this time to get my in the mood.
Welcome Lara W. You are not late for the study, you are not behind. This study is made to jump in at any time, anything you have missed you can just go on around again until you get to where you started. Take your time, we are all still learning how to set up for the study, and we all will be making adjustments as we go. You can read along, do parts of what interests you the most or jump all in. :) Main thing you are here with us. :)
Hello all! I'm very late in writing. I've substituted quite a lot at the high school this month. It's left less time for reading. My husband wouldn't be on board, but I will read and learn and implement as I can. I'm all for thrifty!
God bless you all as you do this. Donna, I think you've made a wonderful back story. It would be fun if you added to it through the year. ~smile~
Laura of Harvest Lane Cottage
Grandma Donna wrote, Hi Laura, good to see you. :) I will have to go back to see what back story you are talking about. Is it under this post?

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