About gDonna
The photo is my son and myself. Now days you can get a photo made to look old like this one. This photo was taken when this was the new look.

Harry S Truman was president when I was born and world war II had ended. I grew up in a time when lunch was put in a brown paper bag and a sandwich was wrapped with wax paper. There was no such thing as pantyhose, we wore stockings that attached to the rubbery clippy things that attached to the girdle. Convenience stores were not common and when we took a trip we packed a picnic basket because many places did not have fast food. Highways had places to pull over and stop, some with picnic tables. Read more ....

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Comments On Article: Peek Week Saturday

1,697 posts (admin)
Sat Mar 18, 23 9:06 PM CST

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120 posts
Sat Mar 18, 23 10:45 PM CST

oh I cannot wait to talk thrifing. How exciting.  Because of all the posts you have done over the years Donna of your finds and restoring them I shop differently. 

This week I got 2 vintage piano stools at $5 and $1.50. They need sanding and I seat recovering.  The other seat is leather so will be cleaned. The one at $1.50 is Oak.

I purchased from the same person a nest of 3 mahogany side tables for $2.50...also needs sanding and re vanishing. 

A small very solid book shelf made at least 70 years ago was $5 Apart from the revolting orange paint which will be removed it's.in excellent condition. 

And last a table for our television to sit on was from the 1960s at $26 and doesn't really need any work.

The furniture are my Winter projects. 

Edited Sat Mar 18, 23 10:46 PM by Karen S
38 posts
Sun Mar 19, 23 6:08 AM CST

Enjoyable post as always 

Edited Sun Mar 19, 23 6:09 AM by Diana
21 posts
Sun Mar 19, 23 8:11 AM CST

Hi Donna, 

I would love to slowly replace all my cheap modern things. There are certain things I like such as the chair I am currently sitting in. I suspect in the end it will be furniture I like rather than furniture from a certain era. 

I really do need to get rid of all the rubbish/clutter though. Things I don't want. There are a few things that are difficult. Our family piano which nobody is here to play any more. It is my Ex's really but he seems happy to keep it offloaded on me. And the children who have piano's in their own houses have the sort with electronics (still a proper piano) which allow them to play with headphones on silently. 

My flat is very much make do. Always has been as money has always been in short supply. 

Enough slight moaning from me

Laura (Scotland)

31 posts
Sun Mar 19, 23 8:58 AM CST

I am really enjoying these posts and photos,  thank you!   You are so busy…I am sure I do quite a bit every day but don’t usually look back to see what I did.  My husband passed away in December so I am going through the house and garage…what a collection of tidbits we have kept.  I decided last week to sell this house and move to a smaller place, so that decision has made me calmer and seems right.  You often use the phrase that something seems right and it is a good one ;).  Your refinished wood floor looks really fantastic!   Love your posts, thank you again for the time you spend

58 posts
Sun Mar 19, 23 11:10 AM CST

I give you credit for cleaning that chandelier. LOL.  I dusted the other day. That counts, right?  But I've written down something you mentioned quite a while ago - "I want to have an interesting home."  Mine is horribly boring and I'm trying to figure out how to make it moreso without creating a lot of extra upkeep-type work, clutterless, yet fun and functional.

120 posts
Sun Mar 19, 23 2:37 PM CST
Ann E wrote:

I give you credit for cleaning that chandelier. LOL.  I dusted the other day. That counts, right?  But I've written down something you mentioned quite a while ago - "I want to have an interesting home."  Mine is horribly boring and I'm trying to figure out how to make it moreso without creating a lot of extra upkeep-type work, clutterless, yet fun and functional.

Anne E.

I've been making our home interesting at very little cost. Putting pictures from calenders in photo frames. Using jewelery I don't wear on the wall or hanging on photos.  I'll put a picture up so you can see my hallway.  I just look at 1 room at a time.  Not the whole house as that can be daunting.

Edited Sun Mar 19, 23 2:39 PM by Karen S
120 posts
Sun Mar 19, 23 2:42 PM CST

This is my hallway

Attached Photos

58 posts
Sun Mar 19, 23 4:26 PM CST

Definitely one room at a time!  I love the jewelry idea!   I also JUST put a Susan Branch calendar pic inside a frame and hung it in my kitchen!  Over time I really got boring and now I need to come out!  Thanks for the inspiration!

12 posts
Sun Mar 19, 23 5:30 PM CST

You floor turned out so beautiful! A lot of work but so satisfying to know you were able to do it all yourselves. I like to call my decorating style eclectic! So many antique store finds, hand me downs, family pieces, and my own primitive cross stitch pieces. I've been married 32 years and can count on one hand how many new pieces of furniture I have purchased in my adult life. And one of those was a recent purchase - a new TV stand that my husband wanted so very badly along with a new smart TV. I was content with our old TV but he's wanted a smart one for a long time.  And I would have loved to go hunting for a vintage table, bookcase, dresser for the new one but sometimes you have to compromise. He's happy and that's important too. My home doesn't look like anybody else's home and I am fine with that. I'm looking forward to seeing your thrifty finds. I wish I had access to more thrift stores close to home.

120 posts
Sun Mar 19, 23 7:08 PM CST
Ann E wrote:

Definitely one room at a time!  I love the jewelry idea!   I also JUST put a Susan Branch calendar pic inside a frame and hung it in my kitchen!  Over time I really got boring and now I need to come out!  Thanks for the inspiration!

there is canvas art with our son in one of the photos.  The chain hanging on the side of the picture is the one he always wore and is in the picture of him.

Dan died in 2014 after a freak farming accident and the hospital made a mistake in his care. He was 20 and our youngest.  He had a heart of gold.  Gave anyone his last $ and him and I would shop and cook for people he knew in need. He was homeschooled his whole education with his sister too.  Everyday without him is extremely painful for us, our daughter and other son.

Edited Sun Mar 19, 23 7:10 PM by Karen S
88 posts
Mon Mar 20, 23 11:05 AM CST

The new baby ducks are adorable and are perfect with mama duck.  I love to find unique little items at the thrift stores, but I really have to watch that I don't get covered up in "dust collectors" because I absolutely hate to dust as much as I absolutely love those unique little items.  I finally learned to refrain from purchasing more than I purchase.  The little ducks are too perfect, though - I think I would have bought them, too.

The chandelier looks pretty and sparkly.  Now to see it hanging again!  

7 posts
Mon Mar 20, 23 8:13 PM CST

Dusting never ends!  But, oh!  It sure looks pretty when it is done.  I'm sure that's the case with your chandelier.    Your comments about taking photos making one realize their house isn't spic-and-span really spoke to me!  SO true.  :)  

61 posts
Tue Mar 21, 23 12:38 AM CST

It will be fun to hear about what you thrifted. Something that I look for is wood hangers. They are so much better than plastic ones and I like them because they are truly vintage. I always enjoy reading about all that you are getting done around the house. It is amazing all that you older folks can do.

Attached Photos

11 posts
Tue Mar 21, 23 5:50 PM CST
Becky Sue K wrote:

It will be fun to hear about what you thrifted. Something that I look for is wood hangers. They are so much better than plastic ones and I like them because they are truly vintage. I always enjoy reading about all that you are getting done around the house. It is amazing all that you older folks can do.

The vintage hangers are an excellent find!  Thanks for planting the idea.

Husband is quite limited for a bit now post surgery; I noticed that the big window over the kitchen sink wasn't latched and about 1" cold air had been coming in.  Window is high and the counter wide; What would Gdonna do?  Fine...I pulled over the tall counter chair and got my lousy old knees up on the counter and stood up and locked it.  Quite gratifying :)

23 posts
Sat Mar 25, 23 6:34 PM CST

Youi did a beautiful job on that chandelier.  I have an antique crystal lamp that needs to be cleaned.  Thank you for the tips.  I like the idea of putting a bowl under the teardrops. 

20 posts
Fri Mar 31, 23 5:53 AM CST

Dear Donna,

I just wanted to pop in and tell you that I love your Peek Week posts. ?

"bowl of shame", ha ha, that's a good one.

And tell Charles his phone holder box is lovely and genius. I want one too.

Happy Easter to both of you. :)

171 posts
Wed Apr 05, 23 4:48 PM CST

What a great post and I loved the comments as usual. I was reminded of so many things from dusting to our own unique ways of decorating our homes. I find it amazing how everyone's are different and each suits our own personalities perfectly. I love thrifting and haven't been in years. One of my best finds was a skirt for $2 from our Mennonite thrift store. It fit perfectly and goes with everything. I couldn't make one to duplicate it if I tried because the quality is superb. I love the crystal on the chandelier. It's so pretty.

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