About gDonna
The photo is my son and myself. Now days you can get a photo made to look old like this one. This photo was taken when this was the new look.

Harry S Truman was president when I was born and world war II had ended. I grew up in a time when lunch was put in a brown paper bag and a sandwich was wrapped with wax paper. There was no such thing as pantyhose, we wore stockings that attached to the rubbery clippy things that attached to the girdle. Convenience stores were not common and when we took a trip we packed a picnic basket because many places did not have fast food. Highways had places to pull over and stop, some with picnic tables. Read more ....

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Comments On Article: This Vintage Life Has Become Helpful

1,693 posts (admin)
Wed Jan 15, 25 5:22 PM CST

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112 posts
Wed Jan 15, 25 5:50 PM CST

I've always knitted with pure wool and continue to do so. After discovering how many clothes and fabrics have plastic in their manufacture I now buy cotton and linen but only what is absolutely necessary

. I've kept the cost down by buying reduced to clear quilting fabrics, have just made nighties out of calico which was a hard wearing fabric back in the day and still is , linen-- I just want 2 A-Line skirts so will save for the fabric.  I recently brought pure wool pleated skirts at a thrift shop that were a bit too small but am going to see if I can also make A-Line skirts from them for Winter.

We've had a weird  Summer and most nights it's been very cold. We always shut half our house up in the Winter but now because of decluttering and cold temps we still have 2 rooms in that end of the house not in use.

I truly hope the polar blast that may come your way is not too severe Donna. You and Charles have prepared the best you can.

Karen NZ

29 posts
Wed Jan 15, 25 5:52 PM CST

So good to read your blog tonight! I wondered if y’all got snow or not. Friends in Newnan had and I thought perhaps you might as well. It makes sense to be frugal and comfy, so it is good to see that you and Charles are! Has he retired?  

367 posts (admin)
Wed Jan 15, 25 5:56 PM CST

Grandma Donna wrote, Karen S, that was very wise to buy a pleated skirt even though it was smaller because that should give you enough fabric to make that skirt.  I want to learn how to knit socks from wool yarn.  Thank you for commenting.

Hi Matty H, Charles plans to retire sometime this year. :) Good to see you here. 

1 posts
Wed Jan 15, 25 6:34 PM CST

I think i may have deleted my account somehow. But I'm back. ????

I really hope the polar vortex doesnt hit the South hard. For us we had -32 C at the lowest, but generally -20 to -25 most days. It was wool blanket weather!

I have ordered a wool blend skirt. I lost my previous thick cotton skirt, so hopwfully this will be a worthy replacement

I also have a wool sweater in the works. Hopefully this will all keep me warm through February!

112 posts
Wed Jan 15, 25 6:41 PM CST
Grandma Donna wrote:

Grandma Donna wrote, Karen S, that was very wise to buy a pleated skirt even though it was smaller because that should give you enough fabric to make that skirt.  I want to learn how to knit socks from wool yarn.  Thank you for commenting.

Hi Matty H, Charles plans to retire sometime this year. :) Good to see you here. 

GDonna.... Me too. I think I may have a pattern for making 8 ply socks on 2 needles instead of 4. If not Google will be where I find one ???? Thank you for the sewing encouragement.

Hannah A_2.... I am currently knitting myself a plain cardigan. Back is done , now doing a sleeve. I hope your sweater keeps you nice and snugly.

Have crocheted a pure wool blanket... Just have to join all the squares together.

367 posts (admin)
Wed Jan 15, 25 6:46 PM CST

Grandma Donna Wrote, Hannah A_2, I am happy that you found your way back. :) Take a picture when you finish your wool blanket and share it here, we would all like to see it.  I have not thought about crocheting the wool squares, I might try this. 

76 posts
Wed Jan 15, 25 7:00 PM CST

I'm recovering from the flu, but am happy to be settling into January and February with the slow time that comes with late winter.  I too need to sort through my things and make decisions about which to keep and which to offer to others.  I've signed up for a sewing class so I can learn to sew things that require more than a simple straight seem -- I'm going to learn to install zippers and also how to follow a pattern!  I have everything I need to do more sewing for the home and myself except the actual knowledge.

I have very little wool clothing since I live someplace where it is usually warm, but I do have wool sweaters on my thrifting list.  I sleep under a wool filled comforter this time of year.  I realized just Monday that I've knit wool hats for several family members but haven't knit a new hat for myself since I switched to wool yarn instead of synthetic, so that is on my list.  I found a pattern for felted wool slippers (you knit them first and then felt them) and want to make those.  I also wear layers in the house this time of year -- dressing for the weather is far less expensive that heating or cooling the house to 72°F year round.  In winter we set the thermostat to 64°F in the day time and 58°F at night, and need the furnace for about 2 hours per day at most.

Two our young adults moved out and we are now using 30-35% less electricity each month.  I think most of this was to heat and cool their bedroom, which was detached from the main house, but they also used a gaming computer which is power intensive.  DIY solar is part of our plan for this year, and we are working hard to reduce usage.  I bought a toaster oven so as to not use the electricity for the big oven, and also so in summer I can use it outside and not heat the house.

One of our big investments for being prepared for emergencies was to buy a solar generator with an expansion battery and portable solar panels.  We waited for a significant sale offer and bought the system for almost 50% off.  Because we have it now we'll be using it for some of our power needs, to bring down the cost of electricity from the grid.  With the wildfires more than half of our city was without power for 4 days and nights last week.  We had power, so we loaned our solar generator to one family.  Now several coworkers are asking my husband about the solar generator, and he explained to them that it is much more expensive now.  I remember when we sat down in November and made the decision to purchase based on the price going the lowest we had seen.  Last week people throughout southern California were scrambling to buy generators of all kinds, which of course either raises the prices or reduces the sales offers.

29 posts
Wed Jan 15, 25 8:20 PM CST

We have had a cold start to the year in The Midlands, England. We had a bit of snow, ice and temperatures down to -9°C.  The house is small and well insulated, and especially with all of the books. We are warm enough, wearing several thin, extra layers indoors, mainly cotton, under a thick jumper and jogging trousers, and I put on a gilet and woolly hat, and have a blanket if I am sitting for any length of time. My daughter gave me Fairisle knitted fingerless gloves for Christmas, and I wear a small scarf, and oversocks to keep the warmth from escaping from the edges of my clothes. 

My parents took up spinning and weaving in their retirement, Mum was an expert knitter, and we all appreciate wool. I have jumpers knitted by Mum, and by my aunt, who knitted traditional fishermen’s Ganseys. I bought several vintage, Trefriw Welsh tapestry waistcoats cheaply on eBay last year, they are thick and very warm. We have wool rugs on the sofa, and sheepskins to snuggle into on the back of the armchairs, and warm sheepskin mittens and slippers. I have my thick wool duffle coat which I bought over 30 years ago, and happily it fits once more. I bought merino wool long thermals in the sales last year, but it has not been that cold. I fill a vacuum flask whenever we have a pot of tea or filter coffee, and we have both rubber and vintage stoneware, hot water bottles. 



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8 posts
Wed Jan 15, 25 8:29 PM CST

My home is open concept except for bedrooms. I keep it warm with a woodburner and only use the furnace if the stove goes out.  But I watch my electric usage very carefully. I burn candles for the cozy feeling  and do a lot of cooking on the woodstove.   

I keep lap blankets on every chair and sofa and I dress in layers. I have been known to wear my snow pants for the mornings . I figure why not as I am in and out with my dog and bringing in firewood.

I worry about the unhoused in my area, they have opened some warming centers but I still worry.

We are right in the line of the polar vortex....ugh.   -7 this morning at 7 AM and next week will be single digits for the high.

Stay warm and well!

82 posts
Wed Jan 15, 25 9:00 PM CST

My favorite trick for keeping warm is to heat bricks on top of the wood stove, then move them to wherever I want more heat.  Wrapping one in a towel and bringing it to bed with me, or using it to keep my feet warm while I'm standing at the kitchen sink, et cetera.  

Keeping it simple in the woods of Michigan.
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