Comments On Article: Diary Readings October 1 - 7
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Darlene from Ohio wrote
I have to chuckle at Lena. I do wonder how she will explain it to the doctor. ;-) I hope she does heal, in spite of her own interference. But I have been stupid stubborn in my life, so I get it.
I look forward to these each week, wondering what will come up in their lives.
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Deb from TN wrote
I’m wondering if Richards intestinal flu is a result of eating the chicken that was a week old?!
I’m glad I discovered your blog, I love the diaries. Thank you for posting them.
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Jennifer C-L wrote
Oh that Lena! Likely she was told to keep her foot elevated to keep the swelling down. Not unusual even after a cast is off for a limb to swell.
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Grandma Donna wrote
From Grandma Donna
I am enjoying your comments about Lena's diary. I have had the same thoughts as each of you. :)
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Hilogene in Az wrote
I was wondering about her swelling and the tight cast…now I have to look up piles in the dictionary. Sounds grim ;(
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Grandma Donna wrote
From Donna
Hilo, I have written everything word for word in both diaries up until now. There was a part with a very vivid description that I could not bring myself to type out so I decided to spare everyone and I wish I had not read it. Ha! I took one for the team. Yes it is grim.
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