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So, if their electric bill was $3.18 and it cost .03 for each kilowatt hour does that mean that they used 106 kilowatt hours a month?
I'm working on a simplified 1943 budgeting project for students for work and am trying to get a sense of the average weekly or monthly grocery bill for 2 people (in my case it's a mother and child - dad's away fighting). I can find lots of references for individual food prices, but it doesn't seem right to compare what I would buy for food to what they might have in the past since today we buy more processed and aren't under rationing and less likely to garden etc. I know you mention in this blog that you're going to post your weekly grocery bill comparison prices but I can't find one and I don't seem to be able to search. What would you say an average 1943 weekly grocery bill cost was when doing this project? I'm really enjoying reading all these posts and will definitely be back for more once I'm finished my work project.
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