IT IS TIME TO BE FRUGAL Being frugal does not have to be painful. There are many ways to cut back and one way is to do a reverse home makeover. We needed to make changes to our home to help us go back to basics. Then we decided to use more outdoor space and we went back to old fashioned way of doing things. Our Great Grandparents, Grandparents, Parents, Aunts and Uncles would tell us stories how things were when they were growing up, how hard times were, how they lived without electricity or running water. They also lived through the Great Depression. Many people are going through difficult economic times and they are finding themselves running o ......
Getting even more frugal If you are having trouble paying your bills or buying food read further These are my Great Grandparents, Grandparents and Aunts and Uncles and they lived through the great depression. They grew up in times when there was no electricity or running water but what they did have was the ability to grow food, share, barter or do whatever it took. They hauled their water, cooked on wood stoves and did not waste, they did not live off the grid because there was no grid. My husband and I do not live on a farm or even a large piece of land. We live in the city on a small lot. We are trying to raise as much food as we can with w ......
You never know when a disaster may happen This is my Son's house. An unexpected close call, fortunately the house was mostly spared. But what if this had been worse and days without electricity. You never know when a disaster will happen and we all need to be prepared to be as self sufficient as possible during an emergency. We live in an area where we could possibly lose power for days due to storms. At times our power goes out for unknown reasons, thankfully not often, but still inconvenient. We added a cook pit to our back yard. We recently added gravel to our cook pit. Seems to work good. This is our cook pit, we have been buying ......
My Grandmother from the south Our past Generation had a wealth of information that could be more helpful to us than we realize. The generation I am writing about knew how to raise a family on food they grew themselves. They knew how to use their resources sparingly and to not waste. Many lived in a time before electricity ever made it to their homes. My mother's family used a bucket on a rope to pull water from a well when they needed water. Some hauled water from streams. Communication was by word of mouth, telegraph or mail. Transportation was on foot, horse, wagon and some by cars and trucks. We still have many of ......
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