About gDonna
The photo is my son and myself. Now days you can get a photo made to look old like this one. This photo was taken when this was the new look.

Harry S Truman was president when I was born and world war II had ended. I grew up in a time when lunch was put in a brown paper bag and a sandwich was wrapped with wax paper. There was no such thing as pantyhose, we wore stockings that attached to the rubbery clippy things that attached to the girdle. Convenience stores were not common and when we took a trip we packed a picnic basket because many places did not have fast food. Highways had places to pull over and stop, some with picnic tables. Read more ....

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A Gift

July 24, 2024

We are getting to a point that we are feeling more like the year 1940.  It is like we have given ourselves a gift.  That feeling of something that we have been wanting for.  It is the only way I can explain this study.

I feel peaceful, steady and calm and I do feel this is a gift and a sign that this is what we are supposed to be doing at this time. 

A small cream and sugar set that I found at a the thrift store looked to be like many people seem to feel today. I passed it up and kept walking through the store because I was there just browsing for certain vintage  items that I keep my eye out for such as an ink well. I finally gave in and ordered one after this trip because Charles has a vintage ink pen and the ink and wishes to start using the pen again. 

I passed by this sad set again with a sticker $8.00 for all three pieces.  Once more I walked away and then turned to look back at it as if it wanted to go home with me. lol

I walked back over to it and said, "You know that I must let go of something else if you come home with me".  Of course it did not say anything back to me and only looked sad and unkept like a poodle that had not been groomed in years. 

All it needed was someone to make an effort to care for it and use it for it's purpose.  Our home needs the same kind of care, and we need the same thing.  

Charles and I are doing everything in our power to not participate in this complicated anger mood of this era of 2024.  Our combat method is we are going about our life studying the year 1940, and then living the good parts of this year of 1940 and showing kindness by being kind.  Our home has become the most comfortable refuge we have ever had.

My suggestions,

Look for the good things that we may be missing, the best good things seem to be the small everyday things. Do whatever it takes to get ourselves in a better mental place. Hug a tree, have you ever hugged a tree?  A tree is full of life and energy, they actually relax their branches at night.  You should never feel alone with your burdens when you can go out and hug a tree and tell it whatever that you need to talk about.  I would whisper at night since this is their rest time, but I am sure that they won't mind the visit :)  They lift their branches back up during daybreak, so now you know. :)  

The covered tureen was popular in 1940 so we are now using a tureen once again. 

The tureen does make sense because we can go ahead and put the food on the table with the lid to keep the food warm and go ahead and clean up the kitchen before sitting down.  You say, "well then the tureen is dirty and has to be washed", yes it does but we are living like the 1940s. :)

We do not have any soup bowls to this set of dishes but we have an extra gravy bowl which we use for our soup bowl. :)

Since we are studying 1940 we are in the "Tin" era.  We are using tins, glass, metal as much as possible instead of plastic. Chocolates in the right tin and cheese crackers in the left.  By the way I finally found my cheese cracker recipe, I will post it in one of the other posts. 

Charles and I use the envelope system where we save money for repairs, gifts, household items and groceries. I am working on a blog post about the budget and have some wonderful things that I am very excited to show you.

The budget for 1940 is going to be very exciting and surprising and my brain is having trouble staying focused due to my excitement of this very different way to study the budget of the year 1940.  It is taking a lot of work because a lot of research goes into something like this and I am doing this with a different approach and you will see soon.  Those looking for the cost of  Kilowatt hours, that will be included in the budget part coming soon.  I will post some bits in the forum that has taken an information life of it's own.  Thank you all for that. 

Here below are a few more recipes from my old handwritten cookbook from 1924 that I said I would share.  I will keep posting them in my posts as we go along. 

I have enlarged this below.

I will close here for today.  Grandma Donna

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