About gDonna
The photo is my son and myself. Now days you can get a photo made to look old like this one. This photo was taken when this was the new look.

Harry S Truman was president when I was born and world war II had ended. I grew up in a time when lunch was put in a brown paper bag and a sandwich was wrapped with wax paper. There was no such thing as pantyhose, we wore stockings that attached to the rubbery clippy things that attached to the girdle. Convenience stores were not common and when we took a trip we packed a picnic basket because many places did not have fast food. Highways had places to pull over and stop, some with picnic tables. Read more ....

Donna's Diary Posts

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Diary Reading for Rose and Emma January 19 - 25 1932

January 18, 2023

We continue with the diary of Rose.  The year 1932.  Rose is a thirty five year old school teacher in a country school.  She is unmarried and lives at home with her parents and family in a rural area in the state of Iowa. Rose has not been teaching and we are thinking they have possibly closed her school. We are not sure of the reason why, many states, counties and cities have been having problems paying salaries, there is also very bad flu at this time as well as scarlet fever. 

Last week we left off with her last post here.  Monday, January 18. Good day. I washed . Mama and Harland  to town.  Harland up to skinners.  Mama and Harland to show in Waterloo. 

Now we start this weeks diary posts.

Tuesday, January 19, 1932.  Harland to town in a.m. I ironed & Helen sewed, I went to R.N.A. installation. 

Wednesday, January 20. Good day turned cloudy in P.M. Harvey here for dinner, butchered Ick.  Mama, Helen & I to Myers and to cemetery.  Used last coal in bin. 

Thursday, January 21. Harvey's birthday.  Good day but foggy and cloudy.  Went to cemetery association at Louella Howes. Harland and Mama delivered beef. Theophilas Gaines buried. 

Friday, January 22.  Heard yesterday that Theophilus Gaines had been killed.  Took Mama to town.  Harland worked on car. He and Mama walked up to Corwins in eve. 

Saturday, January 23. Good thru the day turned cold at nite.  Took Mama peddling in Waterloo.

Sunday, January 24. Cold a.m. Warmer P.M. Harland went skating.  Joe Conrad's out. Ladies down to Lukes. To Earl Baker's charavari. 

Monday, January 25.  Very good day.  Washed and clothes dried good. Skinners down Mama Harland, Father to town. Up to Harry Vaughns in eve. 

End of this weeks reading of Rose. Now to check on Emma. 

We continue the diary of Emma.  The year 1933.  Emma has been a widow for 1 year and 4 months, she is living in the United States in the State of Iowa.  Emma lives in  a small town community and has a busy life. Some of her grandchildren are brought into town for school and often the stay for awhile with her. One of her grandsons stays with her longer than the others. There is much interaction that goes on with her family, her children live in rural areas and one daughter lives away and writes letters.  Emma is used to the in and out of the children and a few of them are old enough to be helpful. Emma misses them when they are gone. You will start getting the feel of who they are as we read through the diary.

Last weeks last posting . Wednesday, January 18. A sleety rainy day.  Abe took up my $35 note at Bank today that I borrowed last Sep 28 to finish paying taxes. Leland brot in a basket of washed baby clothes for me to hang in basement to dry this morn.

Now we continue this weeks diary. 

Thursday, January 19, 1933. Back to our usual fine weather today.  Just got the basket of clothes ironed & mended Leland brot in yesterday to dry as the girls stoped for them. Was glad to get a card from Grace this noon. 

Friday, January 20. Jan 2/3 gone no snow no real cold Nothing unusual has happened today. Another school week ended I am alone again. am trying to do a little sewing. 

Saturday, January 21. Most miserable wet foggy weather  Abe was in & mailed my six month renewal to Neda Reporter & Wmsfield Times, Bessie had a tooth filled, she & Beulah in a little while.  P.M. gave Bessie a new green cap while she was here today. 

Sunday, January 22. At 3:00 a.m. we had a heavy thunder shower, thunder shook the house & I saw the red streaks of lightening with my eyes shut. Now 5 P.M. mostly clear, At home alone all day. This following an all day of dense fogg creek bank full of ice. 

Monday, January 23. Clear to frosty, mud frozen, much like Nov. am not building any furnace fire today, am finishing a blue percale dress Grace's girls begun last summer. Olie payed today bill I owed Smith, .59 cts. 

Tuesday, January 24. 10:15 P.M. Just home from Entertainment at school house that Olie was in Joseph & I went with Bessie & Edith & their boys, a big laugh & a big crowd. Weather very mild. Abe and Neva brought wendell today, this evening with heel sore. 

Wednesday, January 25. John Stoakes read metors today. Usual man been sick, my bill $1.77 Mr & Mrs Galley called this P.M. Have about the usual temperature. Got letter from Grace, All as usual there. 

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