Each week I have been doing a Diary reading post and then a regular post the next day about the history study and what is going on around our home. Some weeks there are extra posts with information about our history study. This is today's Diary readings, you can go back on my home page to find the beginning readings, they are all under Living like the past section.
Now we pick up on Lil and Bob's on February 22 1943
Monday Feb 22, Rain all day. Worked butter and Nuco. Sent stork card to Elizabeth at cottage Hospital. Bob home very tired at 1:30
Tuesday, Feb 23. Cloudy but not much rain. Bob home 1:30. Up to register for ration book 2. Done the shopping Clisbus worked on garage doors.
Wednesday Feb 24 Partly fair. Showers this eve. Done the washing and got it done. Bob home at 1:20 P.M. Retired P.P.C. $380.00.
Thursday Feb 25. Rain all day. Dug some weeds. Bob home at 2 P.M. Stopped on way to shop.
Friday Feb 26 Fair in A.M. Rain in afternoon. Done the ironing, Bob home late.
Saturday Feb 27. No rain today. Made Jello and done some outdoor work.. Bob home early cut all the lawns.
Sunday Feb 28. Fine day. Light frost. Bob at watch tower 8:00 to 10:00 (watching for war planes) . Arnold is Sick. Neighbors all gardening.
End of Lil's diary for this week.
We continue the reading of Lena's diary for the week of Monday Feb 22 - 28 1943.
Monday, Feb 22, 30 above. This is a nice Spring day and did my washing and put it all on the piazza. The snow is going fast but none to fast to suit me. I aught to have done some sewing but was as tired, got my work done and dumped down on the couch and slept. Dreamed my Mother came upstairs and asked me to open my eyes and I couldn't . I guess it was nightmare. I got up it was 4:45 and I went down to Barton's and she was gone since Sat. I hadn't been all winter because my overshoes go on so loud. Must plan for Red Cross work now. Didn't call the grocer.
Tuesday Feb 23. 27 degrees. Richard seems pretty bad off but is bound to keep at his work and that keeps him ill. I went out this P.M. and did a little necessary shopping. I got a small cake at Joes and donuts A&P a lb. of Markay but have enough of all sweet for the week as well try and get another lb so to color 2 lbs at once.
Wednesday Feb 24. 41 above The snow is going fast and water everywhere. But I'm glad if it will only keep on. I've got to brace up tho as I do want to do some work here in the house and work for the Red Cross. Pearl came this P.M. and we had a good visit. I have so few callers. Richard looks a lot better but says his legs and arms have no strength but I'm in hopes he is feeling better right along and on the mend He thinks he has had a sort of flu.
Thursday Feb 25, 18 above. Today seems like March and why not, it is almost here. Went over street this afternoon, Mailed a payment to the home loan. They are demanding an extra month perhaps we should pay in advance. They had a little candy in Newburgs and I got some peanut butter kisses they were very good. They had quite a lot of gum drops. I looked into the Red Cross rooms and must start working next week.
Friday, Feb 26, 7 above. Ordered and didn't go out as I had some things I wanted to do. Fixed my new wash dress I got in Newbergs, put a narrow piece of white on each sleeve to make them longer and put a snap on the belt. This foernoon made cup custards and molasses cookies. Just spread the dough on my cookie pan and they are like soft cookies. I ironed 2 shirts and pants for Richard. Carried out the waste and 4 pails ashes. Then sawed some light wood for the kitchen stove. This is Mabel Knights Birthday 75.
Saturday, Feb 27, 18 above. This is the day we apply for our Ration Book No. 2 so I went up to the AP and got mine had my application all made out so didn't take long. Went to Reeves and got a frozen filet of flounder and baked it for dinner with turnip and Ice cream and choc. same for Richards desert did the "Slicking" up and after dinner did the kitchen floor and waxed it then made two pies mince, and apple and made a fish chowder, it was nice. The pies look nice too. The ice has broken up on both rivers, yesterday it was full of ice too.
Sunday, Feb 28, 28 above. The sun shines this morning looks like Spring and still the river is full of ice cakes The wind is still sharp will be for another month most likely. Richard got back to breakfast at 8:30 and I might have gone to Church but had a pot roast then I don't seem to want to start. The sunshine was short lived for before 2 o'clock it was snowing hard but there is nothing left of it now 5 o'clock but still overcast. The river is still full of ice. Started on coffee, lasted 16 days but must do better
End of this weeks readings. I will have a regular post tomorrow. Grandma Donna