We will continue with our diary reading for Lil's diary. Bob and Lil are in their 70s and this diary is written in the year 1943. Bob does war duty by going to the top of a hotel to watch for war planes. Lil writes the diary.
Monday March 15, 1943. Frost Sun out all day. Bob had car serviced at Murphy's this a.m. - home at 1:30 P.M.
Tuesday March 16. Cloudy day. Worked butter. Made Jello & done a bit out doors. Bob home earlier. cut Frahm's Lawn.
Wednesday March 17. Rain all forenoon. - Bob home at 1:30 P.m. no outdoor work today.
Thursday March 18. Light frost. Fine day. Bob home at 1:30 had lunch. Uptown to shop.
Friday March 19. Frost. Fine day. Done a bit of outdoor work. Bob home late - out gossiping with neighbors in P.M.
Saturday March 20. Fine day. Walked up town this a.m. done some shopping an Bob cut back lawn. Changed dinner hour.
Sunday March 21. Cloud and fog, Sprinkle of rain this eve. Bob at W.T. (watch tower) 8 to 10 a.m. Wrote to Clare and Bob wrote to Jack McGill.
End of this weeks reading of Lil's diary. Now on to Lena's diary.
We now continue this weeks reading of Lena's diary. It is 1943, canned rations have started. Lena is a widow and is in her mid 70s. Her son Richard lives with her and he works long hours doing Janitorial work. They do not have a automobile so they walk to town.
Monday, March 15 1943, 24 degrees. Did the washing and put most of it out. They didnt freeze and afternoon went over street. Things are pretty scarce that we are used to having. No instant Postum. I might have got the eb-real but didnt know as we would like it. Tomorrow is time to get sugar. Must get my seed peppers and tomatoes and some more vegetable seeds. Richard went to Woodstock and after looking at his feet told him he could go now. He thinks they rejected him.
Tuesday, March 16, 28 above. Time to get sugar 5 lbs. Last till June. We get 10 lbs. I ordered today and had the 5 lbs of sugar due today. No meat but Tbone steak and sausage so I got 6 of the latter which did very well. Mrs. Johnson came and spent the P.M. We had a splendid visit. Richard seems half sick. I hope he will see a Dr. I intended to go over street this P.M. but I can go tomorrow.
Wednesday, March 17. My mother died 48 years ago today. Today is rain and freezing makes it too icy for me to go out. Perhaps tomorrow will be better. Cleared a little P.M. a bad day for the parade in Boston.
Thursday, March 18. 36 degrees. This seems to be realy Spring. The ice is still in the rivers but the snow is all ice and most gone. I sprunked up and went over and did quite a lot. Put $100.00 in each bank and paid the bills tele, water, rent and electric light went to Eurinos and got a spare rib to stuff and 1/2 lb hamburg and 2 pork chops not so good but they had sausage. No beef. Got a jar of cleansing cream for .39c. After dinner started cleaning kitchen, did 4 doors cleaned the stove pipe and some nickle and the toilet. Richard got his card from the draft board he is in the 4 F I think he was surprised, I was altho his feet are very bad.
Friday, March 19. 30 degrees. Made a chocolate cake with honey and frosted with marshmallow fluff not bad. Had stuffed pork ribs for dinner I thot it nice. Went to west Leb. and got a 5 lb pkg of cheese for Richard and some ockls and ends of fish for chowder. had a lot and gave some to the cat poor cat does'nt get much to eat. Had a 5 lb chicken and 2 doz eggs of Mr. Cook.
Saturday, March 20, 32 degrees. It looks like Spring but the ice is still in the rivers. just a packed mass of ice. Richard came home with 2 pkg of cheese 2 lbs each so he can chees it for awhile. That makes I believe 13 lbs 5 lb and 8 - 2 lb pkgs counting Velveta which is soft. Then there are other soft cheeses that cant be rationed. Stuffed the 5 lb chicken before supper already to cook tomorrow.
Sunday, March 22, 30 degrees. Time goes right along this is a pleasant day and I didn't go out. Got the chicken in the kettle to steam before 8 oclock and made icecream.
This is the end of this weeks diary reading. Grandma Donna