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Paula Alexandra Santos wrote
Hi, Grandma Donna!
Although is sad to know that almost 2 years after her last entry in the diary, Bob and Lil died, I'm glad to have been able to participate a bit in their lives, even if it was almost 80 years later. Like you say, it's like we are their neighbours!
I'm glad to know that they had a full life and that she married Bob, after loosing her husband. It seems to me that they were a happy couple. :)
About what I learned from reading her diary, I can say I learned that they worked hard, even at home and that even so they visited each other a lot. And were contented, I think.
They helped each other and had simpler lives, even having to do more work and chores than we do today.
Thank you for letting us be a part of Lil and Bob's lives!
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Victoria wrote
I thought it was interesting to see how much visiting from friends, neighbors, and relatives went on. Sounds as though a good bit of it was just dropping in to visit, not a real scheduled thing for them. Very unlike today-----not many people are at home during the day to do any visiting. Also a lot of going down town to shop, almost daily. None of this once a week shopping, although if they didn't have a car or gasoline was short (certainly a lots of that happening during that time) that was a sensible way to get groceries etc.
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Lisa from Indiana wrote
It's interesting to me that Bob did a lot of the shopping, and also that they ate simple foods and meals. Unlike today where we feel pressured to fix fancy stuff and try to make everyone happy.
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Andrea wrote
Hello, I have thought a lot about all these diaries and what life was like. I sure wish people visited as much in person as they used too. I remember my grandparents having next door neighbors just randomly stopping by or chatting over the fence even if but for a minute. We haven't talked to any of our neighbors ( there's 5 of them) in over 2 months and some since spring. Seems as if everyone is afraid to even say hello anymore. It's really a shame. I forget especially in this diary their age because they didn't seem to slow down and were so active in every aspect of there lives. The social aspect is a huge role I'm sure. Definitely interesting to know about her remarrying. I think that's wonderful that she was able to and how sweet it was to learn they passed so close together. They must of truly loved each other. Thank you for sharing that part of their lives. :)
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Darlene from Ohio wrote
This has been bittersweet for me. Reading her diary has made me feel like I kind of know Lil and Bob. And it was so sad to know that they are gone. I mean, of course they have passed away, but it felt like it was just today. I am happy to know what happened to them and a bit more of their history. But I am sad to close this chapter.
I think I learned from Lil to keep doing little bits each day. She didn't run herself ragged, but did things each day to keep it all done up. And I do think that visiting in person is important and something we have lost. Face to face contact is so much better than texts and emails. Those are fine for long distance, but if you are close enough to visit face to it. It will enrich your life. That is my opinion and I am sticking to it! ;-)
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