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I have also never been part of a forum and feel a little uncomfortable taking part. I am something of a Luddite when it comes to modern technology. I do not have a big flat screen t.v or even a microwave oven in my home. I do not own a mobile phone. I only have this Samsung device due to a marketing call. It has allowed me to discover this blog, but I still do not know how to use it fully. I think you are doing very well Gdonna to step out of your comfort zone and try new things.
Good for you trying something new! I am 75 and share your angst about technology! Jane in Florida
I think you are doing a great job. Sometimes jumping into a new situation without much knowledge about how to do it is the best way. Better than just thinking things to death and finally deciding not to do anything because you feel like you don't know how. Sometimes learning on the job is the best way.
Grandma Donna wrote, Roselyn F and Ann P, thank you for making that stretch with technology to be here. Everything is changing today and many are being left behind. Banking, phones, paying bills. I am trying to be able to do what I can or I would have to ask for help with so many things. I am happy you are here with us . Thank you for your comments :)
Grandma Donna wrote, Victoria W, now that you say that I realize that is what I just did. Lol, I really could have thought this one to a point on never doing it. So I guess it is okay that I did it fast and backwards, I think I am going forward now. Thank you for the encouragement.
I don't like perfect. I am not perfect. I think it would be good for the world if more people were willing to look less perfect and more real about how learning takes time and practice. And that's all I'm going to say about that!
Thank you, Grandma Donna, for the forum. :) All of the new topics sound very exciting!
I am 66, so some technology is familiar. But learning anything new is a hair raising experience. G’Donna you deserve huge credit for starting a blog, let alone a forum ;). I have my own private blog, based on a girlfriend my age saying it would be a place I could store memories and she was right. All our motorcycling vacations for ten years are there, much better than a 1,000 photos on my computer in no apparent order. And so this blog is a way of creating and sorting useful information. Thank you for the forum, it is the only one I am in, and have commented every few days. I am learning! Thank you,
I check your blog every week and I LOVE this new forum. You are doing a great job! Thanks for all your hard work!
Grandma Donna wrote, Stephanie G, thank you for your kind comment :) Hilogene O, we are learning together, sounds like you have had a a really good place for your photos and easy access. :) Becky Sue K, thank you for your encouragement. I wish there was a huggie, smiley heart on this. :)
Grandma Donna, I'm glad you jumped in and started this forum. I know myself and would have thought it to death and decided not to do it at all. But look at how much you have accomplished by just jumping in! They say we grow new brain pathways when we learn something new. Good for you!! You grew a slew of new brain pathways! ;-)
I've never been involved in a forum before. I'm a complete dunce when it comes to technology, but I'm certainly willing to have a go. I love the topics. That lace making is just mind bogglying beautiful.
No apologies! You are doing wonderfully, gdonna. I would jump in and start something new myself (so everyone should-ha!) But I think I know what you mean about technology. It is always changing and so very challenging at times. I love your blog and look forward to it each week, as I am sure many do. Keep up the great work!
Grandma Donna Wrote, Claudia O, thank you for your kind words.
Grandma Donna, you are doing a wonderful job! Never think anything else. I love the things you share and the wonderful community you're bringing together. I can't thank you enough for starting the blog years ago and now the forum. And your videos on YouTube are beautiful too!
Grandma Donna wrote, Patty D, thank you for your encouragement. You "all" are making this a wonderful place to be because we have so many kind people willing to share their ideas, skills, stories with this big blog/forum family here.
i wanted to say that you are the perfect person to do this because we are all here because of you. You have brought me joy for years reading along with your life. I’m looking forward to joining in. I’ve kind of put my participation on hold as I’m caring for my father in his last days and need some conveniences to maximize my time at his bedside, but my planning and reading along with you has been a welcome spot of diversion for me. And discussing it with my adult children and seeing their excitement at all of my plans has made me realize your reach extends to the lives of those around us.
Grandma Donna wrote, Lora W, what a beautiful thing to say, thank you. I understand where you are with your father as I once was at this same place you are now as a care giver. You are in my thoughts of knowing what is involved. I am happy that you have this diversion, you will be doing instead of planning one day and content that you were there with your father.
Grandma Donna, I am so impressed with what you've accomplished. You've pulled an entire online community together and created a cozy, safe space for all to chat. Thank you, thank you, thank you!
Grandma Donna said, Kathryn P, thank you for your kind words, it makes me happy to see everyone conversing with each other. :)
GDonna, your blog has been my happy place for years and years now. It is the only place online that I can feel totally myself. And as to starting new projects or stuff from zero I think it was Pa in one of the Little House on the Prairie books that said ''If you never started anything you knew nothing about very little would get done'' or something like that (it was about making a make-do lamp) So thank you so much for looking forward and pursuing things you wanted to do instead of listening to that oh-so-discouraging voice in our heads. Miriam in Finland
Grandma Donna wrote, thank you Miriam K for staying on this trail with me. We have covered a lot on this journey through these years, I have a feeling this year we will get a much clearer understanding of what it takes to get control of our finances and what we need to do to get our home in order to run a household as it should be. We all have room for improvement, and I feel everyone will be pleased with their accomplishments at the end of the year no matter how many times we try to give up and start over. :)
I, too, am so grateful for your your generous and caring gift of knowledge. You are doing great! I have been reading your blog for many years and have learned so much. I am looking forward to all the conversation in the forums. I will have to follow your example and jump into posting and participating! Thank you for all you do!
Grandma Donna wrote, Elizabeth M, I am so happy that you are here with us, so many are coming in that have never been in forums and those that are familiar with forums are helping us along with conversations and we will all will be learning together. We have a wonderful group of people here. :)
I have been reading your blog for years, and actually go back and re-read older posts from time to time. My actual participation in the current study will be minimal, I think, beyond the simple living and frugality I have already been working on, but I am interested in the historical learning aspect of it. I am still in 1943 here, LOL!
I share your love of history, and appreciate your generosity (and your husband's too) with sharing all these years. With the new format, I have notice that I am spending more time online as I read through all the comments, and unfortunately time for me is a commodity right now. It has been a trying time here with the death of my Dad last year, and the need to be a care taker for my Mom who has memory loss yet refuses to move out of her home. It's really hard. Your blog is just such a welcome refuge to me, so I will definitely be reading regularly, just not sure how much regular participation I will have in the forum.
Also...which pup is that wrapped in pink on your post? I have reread the post a few times, and that picture brings me a smile every time!
Grandma Donna wrote, Debbie in PA, That pup is Elizabeth, and she has had that same expression her whole life.
I completely understand about the caregiving situation and just today I am adding a topic for anyone that needs a place to read about the nitty gritty of caregiving. Hopefully this will be a place to go to just talk when needed or help one another with tips along the way. I will explain in the new thread about this. I realize there is little time when caregiving since I was a three time caregiver but I also know about the nights when I could not sleep. I hope it will help others. Thank you Debbie for following along this blog, it means so much to me just to know you are here.
I've been ill so am playing a bit of catch-up. I think/hope there are many of us who appreciate that you are doing this regardless of your experience or lack thereof. What you are doing and sharing is so valuable, I hope many more will join or at least read along. Thank you for overcoming your fears :-)
Honestly I think you’re amazing. Firstly for doing all this research into the past and secondly for sharing it with us. I’m excited to use the forum more
I really learn a lot from you and I am glad that you are doing all of this. Thank you!
Grandma Donna wrote, Lady L, I hope you are on the mend. I am playing catch up too, sorry so long to reply. Kasia A and Christina A, Thank you for being here in the forum. Charles and I caught the virus :( so I got behind a bit but we are on the mend now, or trying to be.
I hope your both feeling better and continue to feel better as well. We are grateful for the forum and can't wait to read more topics and join in.

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