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Hilogene in Az wrote
Hi G’Donna,
Thanks so much for finishing these two diaries. Very interesting to see a glimpse into their lives.
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Paula Alexandra Santos wrote
I was so sad to learn that Lena lost her leg and that Richard died at such a young age... And it seems to me that he had stomach issues and didn't tolerate certain foods.
Sometimes he and Lena seemed to be closer and other times, they seemed to be more apart, but they were always there for each other and she was a hard working woman.
Like you said, she must have had a beautifully cleaned house, laundry crisply ironed and wonderful meals when she was younger and tried to do her best in her older days.
Like Lil's diary, reading Lena's diary teached me that they workded harder than we do and complained less.
They had to do a lot of walking, especially Lena and do almost all the chores in the house without the help of machines.
Thank you for leting us be a part of their lives, Grandma Donna!
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Felicity in New Zealand wrote
This was so interesting, Gd. Yes- thank you for sharing this with us.
I realise- again- I am so much more in tune with the so called ‘old ways’ of doing things than what seems to be how it is now. And I like that.
I wonder what Lena would have thought to know her words written in her daily diary would one day be shared with so many readers! Maybe she would have been thrilled to think her writing had lasted and made us all think. I hope so.
Your writing also will be read by many in the future, Grandma Donna. And enjoyed. And cherished.
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Andrea wrote
My first thought was oh my gosh when I read what had happened to them especially how they passed. All the things they did was amazing just like the other diaries we have read. The cold temperatures reminded me that they must of been comfortable having the wood stove to heat and such. I enjoyed how she always wrote in what the weather was like. Not to often do you come across that especially nowadays. What she wrote on December 31st really hit home with me. A good perspective. Too bad we don't know where any of the people whose lives we have learned about our buried. Would be nice to place flowers on their graves.
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Darlene from Ohio wrote
As hard as it was to leave Lil and Bob's diary, I really mourn for Lena. Even though I think it hurt her in the end, I so loved her stubbornness. I think not staying off her leg when she should have, made it worse in the end. But I admired her for always pushing herself to do things and go out and do. I think I understand her wanting to do for herself for as long as possible. And wanting to do for her son as long as possible.
I daresay I would have been as confused with the rationing as she was. No doubt I would have spent too much too early and then scraped by somehow. I guess what I'm trying to say is that Lena was human and made mistakes and I love her for it. Because we all are human and make mistakes.
Lena never gave up, I learned that from her, and to keep at it and keep busy. She did so much in a day, of course she didn't have the distraction of electronics. But I am sure she had her own distractions she had to overcome. I will miss her and will look forward to meeting her some day. I am sure she will be surprised to know how her little writings meant so much to others years after she wrote the words.
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Mandy wrote
Thank you so much for sharing a glimpse into these lives. I will certainly miss Lena and Lil. I do feel as if I learned more about Lena as she was more detailed in her entries. I noticed that Lena’s husband was a bit older than her.
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Roselyn Fletcher Australia wrote
Thankyou for sharing these diaries. I always look forward to the weekend to catch up with Lil and Lena. I have learnt quite a lot about daily homemaking and have begun to incorporate their work practices into my own life. Suddenly I seem to have extra hours in the day without the destraction of tv and social media etc. Such time wasters. I have found a joy in focusing on my home and the routine of daily life.
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Christina wrote
Thank you for your work to put these on your blog. I enjoyed them very much. I learned how dedicated both families were to the efforts to make life during a hard time better. I also learned how working hard makes a difference in the long run (Lena).
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Grandma Donna wrote
I enjoy sharing with others these parts of history that are not known unless they are read. You are welcome, and I thank you for your wonderful comments.
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Lynne wrote
Hi Donna! I am so happy you shared these diaries with us and I wish I could find something similar. Lena reminded me so much of my own grandmother, who'd have been a housewife in 1943, although she'd have been much younger. Just putting down the facts of each day, without much elaboration or including her emotions. Even when she didn't feel that well, she just got up and "got on with it," which is something I've noticed in other diaries I've read from this time. The women mentioned their aches and pains and that they rested for a bit, but then got up and did what needed to be done. Even at an older age, Lena was very active. I admire that mindset.
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