About This Forum
Welcome to our brand new discussion forum.
Because the comment section of the articles are so active we decided to make it more interactive.
To make comments on articles or reply to other topics you will need to create an account which you can do from the links at the top of the page if you haven't done so already.
And now you will get an email notification when someone replies to yours!
After you have create an account you can click the "My Profile" button at the top to change your screen name. By default it is the name you entered when creating an account.
You can also upload a profile picture and tell a little about your self.
If you want to receive an email when a new topic is posted in the forum click the "Forum Subscribe" button at the top and check the option to subscribe.
The comments on articles from the old comments system has been merged into this new forum. Those commenters will not receive a reply to those.
Spamming & rude comments will not be tolerated.
We reserve the right to delete any messages we do not find appropriate and ban any accounts behaving inappropriately.
Also now you can join my mailing list to get an email when new articles are posted to the site.
How can we comment directly to a person (so that their name is in bold font)? For the life of me, I can't figure it out...
Kathryn P - Grandma Donna might have a better answer for you, but when I did it, I just made it bold myself by clicking on the bold "B" in the upper left hand corner, just above the message field. This doesn't send a special notification or anything, but it just helps it stand out as a response to a particular person's post.
That makes perfect sense. Thank you!
Thank you Tea for answering Kathryn P's question. It is a good way to do the highlight. As soon as we all get used to the forum our eyes will know these things. simple things seem difficult for all of us, including me.
I think I missed an update - are the discussion topics no longer available? I am being forced to move house in 2 months and desperately wanted some advice on how to go about cleaning and moving but couldn’t find anywhere to post about it.

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