Remove rust from cloth
March 19, 2013
This is a kitchen towel that is in good condition but without thinking I wiped something that had rusted. It was all over the towel. I washed and dried it several times so I figured the stain was set but I had removed rust before with an old remedy so I decided to see if a set rust stain would come out.
First squeeze fresh lemon juice over the rust stains
Now put a generous amount of salt over the lemon juice and rust
and rub it into the stain.
Place outside in the sunshine for about an hour
rinse the stain
Add soap and scrub the areas
Most of the stains came out, there is a small area that needs repeating
Here is is dried and it is not perfect but if you go back up to the top you will see that for set rust stains this is much better.
I hope this helps, Grandma Donna
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