We now continue the diary of Theodore and Nellie. Theodore is the writer of this dairy and we started in January and have read January, February and March, 1905. Now we continue with April.
You can find the January, February and March in the diary section on my blog in the upper right side that say's Donna's Diary Posts.
Saturday April 1, 1905
We gathered and boiled this P.M. Sap runs good today.
Sunday April 2
It was a fine day. Allie stayed here last night. We all went to S.S. Bro Miller preached. We met at Mr Sanford and talked about paying the ministers Deaded to give Mr. M. $50. and Mr Carm and Williams $2.00 a trip. Miller 17 times Carm 9 Williams 3.00
Monday April 3
We gathered and boiled sap runs good. Gene sold syrup at H in P.M.
Tuesday April 4
I went to Potsdam and sold some sugar and syrup. Gennie Boiled sap all day.
Wednesday April 5
Gathered and boiled sap.
Thursday April 6
Sugared off here to the house three times made 130 pounds of caked sugar. Gennie went to Hewittville and sold some syrup .It snowed all day..
Friday April 7
Gennie finished splitting wood and went up and got Eva and Stella Stanton and carried up some sugar and syrup.
Saturday April 8
Gennie went to Potsdam in the fournoon. In the afternoon we worked in the woods gathering and boiling syrup.
Sunday April 9
We all went to Sunday school It was a nice day.
Monday April 10
We gathered and boiled sap got enough for one hundred pounds of sugar. It rained hard most all day.
Tuesday April 11
Went and found some pigs. Sowed some grass seed on the dry knool.(knoll a grassy hill) Rained in the afternoon. We put the buggers (pigs) together and they look fine.
Wednesday April 12
I went down to Laomis and got 3 pigs, paid nine dollars for them, they weighed 59 pounds. Gene plowed in a.m. Went to Potsdam and got one ton of grain $22 1/2. Nell went to Potsdam too, she renewed $25 note at Bank for 8 months from April.
Thursday April 13
Gennnie plowed most of the day. (Theodore calls his son Gene or Gennie) and I made fence, gathered sap in the afternoon.
Friday April 14
Gennie plowed most of the day. I boiled sap in a.m. Wend after Eva in the afternoon.
Saturday April 15
Gene finished plowing below barn. Uncle C and Libbie came, Uncle and I went to town and came down with procession Meda Monroe's body was brought on the train from Rome and was buried at H. Eva went up with double team and brought Mr. Graves folks down here. We sugared off in P.M. and after supper Eva and L Graves folks back. It has been cold all day, quite a wind. Windfred Dend came to Genes tonight.
Sunday April 16
N (Nellie) and I went to Church. Rev A Bramley preached as Bro Miller is at conference in Watertown. All went to S.S. Bro Camn preached here. Lula took Winfred D up after S.S. Has been cold all day and snowed by spells and tonight is snowed about 2 inches in an hour.
Monday April 17
It has been a cold and snowed by spells all day. We gathered and boiled what sap there was. I washed out tubs wooden buckets, pans and C ready for some more sap when it runs.
Tuesday April 18
Gennie drew manner this forenoon and went to woods and tapped over the trees in the afternoon. We gathered and boiled made about 5 gallons of syrup and it was nice.
Wednesday April 19
Gathered and boiled sap in a.m. P.M. gathered the buckets and washed them.
Thursday April 20 (crossed out)
It has snowed most all day and the wind has blown all day We sugared off twice here to the house. I have been sick most of the day.
Friday April 21
It has snowed most of the day. cold and the wind has blown all day. I sugared off twice, sick most of the day.
Saturday April 22
I was sick most of the day. We drew manure in the afternoon. We drew 11 loads. Gennie drew 6 loads before today. It is a nice day.
Sunday April 23
I was sick did not go to Potsdam to church. We all went down here to Sunday school . we had no preaching.
Monday April 24
Gennie went to Potsdam. I built fence and did the chores in a.m. afternoon we went down and laid over the line fence between Branch and mine.
Tuesday April 25
We moved the banking from the house and put out 10 loads of manure.
Wednesday April 26
Gennie and I drew manure all day. We drew 20 loads.
Thursday April 26
We drew one load of wood to John Frank. Plowed the garden and drew 4 (or 11) loads of manure
I went to Potsdam and got some garden seeds and some other things.
Friday April 28
I put in the garden seeds and drew manure the rest of the day. Drew 16 loads. It is a fine day.
Saturday April 29
Drew 8 loads of Stone and it commenced raining. Gennie and Lila went down to their Uncle George in the afternoon . It has rained by spells all day .
Sunday April 30
It rained by spells all day. Gene and L did not get back from Mr Darids ? until 5:30 P.M. Nellie, Eva and I went to S.S. It was time set for election of officers. I resigned and refused to be elected. We talked up matters and decided to give up services for the present. Mrs. Haywood Orman S & I were a committee to care for the library organ and money on hand the S.S. was not. Reorganized and C & if in a year it was suggested that a meeting be called and decide what would be done with it. Mr and Mrs Miller were there and did not advise either way but we could see that they thought it wise to give it. (I got lost here and could not unscramble it. )
We will pick up in May. Two days left above it you want to decipher the writing. :)
Grandma Donna